Template Library

Our Template Library stores all your branded marketing templates in one easy-to-access area. Start with an initial set of templates and add to the library over time to reflect your new marketing initiatives and brand development.

Users in your network can simply browse through the library, choose a template and personalise it with their details before placing a print order. You can even allocate predetermined selections for them to choose from.

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Folder management

The marketing templates are stored in folders which you can sort however you like. You can name them by product type, service type, season, etc. to make them easy to find. If you want the folders to be visible to the whole network, you can do that or allow individual users to access them as required. Templates can appear in multiple folders too.


Fixed vs flexible

Marketing templates can be customised to only allow certain areas to be editable. Your Client Service Team will apply your preferences to make sure your network can only use the templates as you intend.

Active updates

To reduce the risk of transcription errors with telephone number and addresses, this clever, time saving tool can pre-fill the template with the user’s contact details when they open it. The information is drawn directly from their account information.

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